14 Personen
zu den Filteroptionen14 Personen
Stolle, Johann Daniel
gest. 1723Sistens, Ad illustrandum locum vexatissimum Gen. IV. 7Gedani : Typis Johannis Danielis Stollii, Senatus Et Athenæi Typhographi., [MDCCXXII?]Strahan, Andrew
geb. 1749; gest. 1831Cook, James ; King, James ; Roberts, Henry ; Webber, John ; Strahan, William ; Strahan, Andrew ; Nicol, George ; Cadell, ThomasLondon : Strahan ; London : Nicol ; London : Cadell, 1784Undertaken, By The Command Of His Majesty, For Making Discoveries in the Northern Hemisphere. To Determine The Position and Extent of the West Side of North America; its Distance from Asia; and the Practicability of a Northern Passage to Europe. Performed Under The Direction Of Captians Cook, Clerke, and Gore, In his Majesty's Ships the Resolution and Discovery. In the Years 1776, 1777, 1778, 1779, and 1780. ; In Three VolumesLondon : Strahan ; London : Nicol ; London : Cadell, 1784Cook, James ; King, James ; Roberts, Henry ; Webber, John ; Strahan, William ; Strahan, Andrew ; Nicol, George ; Cadell, ThomasLondon : Strahan ; London : Nicol ; London : Cadell, 1784[alle anzeigen] Strauss, Johann Christoph
1751-1788Jena : gedruckt bey Johann Christoph Strauß, [1777?]Struve, Benedikt Christian
1789-1839am 8. December 1799.Eutin : Zu finden bei dem Hofbuchdrucker Struve, [1799?]