Campi Phlegræi : Observations On The Volcanos Of The Two Sicilies As They have been communicated to the Royal Society of London. Supplement To The Campi Phlegræi Being An Account Of The Great Eruption Of Mount Vesuvius In The Month Of August 1779. / By Sir William Hamilton K. B. F. R. S. His Britannic Majesty's Envoy Extraordinary, And Plenipotentiary At The Court Of Naples To which, in Order to convey the most precise idea of each remark, a new and accurate Map is annexed, with 54 Plates illuminated, from Drawings taken and colour'd after Nature, under the inspection of the Author, by the Editor Mr. Peter Fabris. Naples, 1776-1779 : Suppl. / By Sir William Hamilton K. B. F. R. S. His Britannic Majesty's Envoy Extraordinary, And Plenipotentiary At The Court Of Naples To which are annexed 5 Plates illuminated from Dawings [!] taken, and colour'd after nature under the inspection of the Author by the Editor Mr. Peter Fabris. Naples, 1779